The Power Management Integration Center (PMIC) is a collaboration between the engineering schools at Dartmouth and UC San Diego (UCSD) to address a range of challenges facing next-generation power electronic circuits, systems, and components. PMIC's mission is to target innovations that support higher efficiency, smaller size, and reduced cost. Considerations are made for system reliability, robustness, and performance in a diverse range of industry sectors and applications spanning consumer, industrial, and automotive electronics.
PMIC is part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry University Collaborative Research Center Program (IUCRC) that aims to connect academic researchers with industry innovators.
Printable IUCRC Fact Sheet (PDF)
Research collaborations focus on areas identified by corporate members as relevant to industry needs including:
PMIC = Access to innovations in power electronics at reduced cost.
Join our Industry–University Cooperative Research Centers Program (IUCRC) to perform cutting-edge pre-competitive fundamental research in power electronics that can drive innovation and the U.S. economy. Members guide the direction of Center research through active involvement and mentoring.
IUCRCs offer a platform for significant leveraging of financial investment by members to accelerate the knowledge base and develop an industrially savvy workforce.
To become a member, contact us.
Any company, federal R&D organization, or any government-owned contractor-operated laboratory may become a member (consistent with applicable state and federal laws and statutes).
Industry members of the Center enjoy a range of benefits:
The Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is composed of one representative from each member organization or company. The Board steers the Center and provides input into plans for PMIC expansion. The Board decides: